SGI late with financial filings
By joe
- 1 minutes read - 172 wordsMercury news blog reports that SGI has told the SEC that it will be late in filing its financials for the quarter. Specifically
Read the full article, don’t jump to conclusions from this snippet. This said, I have as of yet to see any company say “hey we are gonna be late” and “wow, we just found this bucket of money in the corner!”. It is usually more along the lines of “oh, we have to pay that bill too???”.
My thoughts on this are that, since the lawyers are acting as the spokes people in this case (read the article!), that they need to be really careful about what they can and cannot say. To the point, the lawyer directed the interviewer to draw their own conclusions. Ummmm…. er …. ah…. Ok. The article also notes that
I’ll withhold comment, as I can’t even write anything snarky about this. Its just sad. Update: Valleywag has comments. Some of them do a better job of snark. Have a look at scamp58’s post.