Dell takes 3PAR
By joe
- 2 minutes read - 231 words3PAR isn’t technically high performance storage. They are more of a competitor to EMC and HDS. Specifically in the array arena. This arena is a large one, though arrays are losing favor as compared to clustered storage systems (IDCs view, and I think StorageMojo’s as well). The article notes the price at $1.15B USD. It suggests Dell is focusing upon the integrated stack worldview, and thinks a switch vendor will be next. I could see them taking Voltaire (10GbE and IB), or a few others. Possibly even Mellanox. So what happens if and when there are say, 4 vertical stack providers: Dell, HP, IBM, and Oracle, along with a few mostly verticalized stack providers like Cisco. Are you the end user more or less likely to buy a complete stack than to buy what you need? Can you get some from menu a and some from menu b? And what happens when you discover that the verticalized stack can’t actually meet your needs? We’ve seen a few customers on/around Wall Street that simply couldn’t buy anything but specific brands, even if this meant that they would be unable to fulfill mission objectives. I was blown away by that. Their own IT requirements precluded them from offering new products to customers because they couldn’t field the machines to be able to meet their mission objectives … without violating their brand loyalty mandates.